User support

Will I be charged for the mobile data used abroad?

Yes, you will be charged based on the roaming fees applying in the country of stay. Please find below the list of countries and carriers:

As of 01.07.2021, there has been a change in the roaming regime - RLAH (Roam Like At Home), pursuant to which the same terms and conditions apply while in roaming as the ones applying in the domestic network. RLAH is available in the Western Balkan countries (WB6) and it includes the following countries: Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo.

For a complete protection against unwanted costs, you can activate roaming mobile data bundle for a complete protection against unwanted costs, and you will also enjoy a unique experience accessing the same information on your phone abroad just as being home. In addition, if you do not wish to use mobile data while in roaming, activate the Roaming Data Ban in the My A1 app (mobile app).

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