New TV channels with A1 Xplore TV

Watch the most popular contents on Eurosport and Discovery channels, without any additional charges!

Watch the most popular contents on the TV channels Eurosport 1 HD, Eurosport 2 HD, Discovery HD, as well as TLC, from now on, available to all A1 Xplore TV customers, without any additional charges!
You can find the TV channels in the following positions:
• Eurosport 1 – 50,
• Eurosport 2 – 51,
• TLC – 68,
• Discovery - 69

Users of a television service through DVB-T technology receive the TV channels Discovery, Eurosport 1, Eurosport 2, TLC and Da Vinci, available in positions 34, 35, 36, 69 and 73.

The complete list of TV channels included in each of the tariff plans and the additional TV bundles is available here.
The TV channels are automatically activated and included in the program scheme for all users of A1 Xplore TV, i.e. all users of the current tariff models for television services, published on Those users who will not receive the channels automatically need to perform a re-scan of the TV receiver.

For more information, please call 077 1234.