
A1 Makedonija – Together with you

Skopje, March 16, 2020 – A1 Makedonija continues with the activities for supporting its customers in order to make the everyday life in the newly found situation caused by COVID-19 virus much easier.

As of today, A1 in cooperation with “eyeson” provides the Video Conference service free of charge, which is an excellent solution for the realization of meetings, without being physically present at the same location. This is a professional solution which provides connection of up to 100 video participants, hosted on A1 platform.

Video Conference service provides realization of top quality video calls, with perfectly clear image, in a simple and fast way, without any app installation, which is available via laptop, PC or smartphone and ensures complete security.

Video Conference service is available for free by 30.06.2020, without the need to enter your credit card data.

Two weeks prior to the expiry of the free usage period you will get a notification and information about the conditions under which the service will be made available for further use.

For more information please visit www.A1.mk.


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